Archive for June, 2006

Darn Pupparazzi

Saturday, June 24th, 2006

Do you have to take those pictures right now??


Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

Hey everybody, tomorrow is Take Your Dog To Work Day! I hear that several thousand companies are expected to participate, up from a few hundred when the event began eight years ago. Also, workplace policies allowing dogs on the job are becoming more popular and surveys have shown that it lowers absenteeism, improves morale, and […]

The House of Kylie

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

I believe napping is an art form, but to be a true artist one needs to have the right tools. So I thought I would take you all on a tour of my many spots around the house where I do my best work.. This is my upstairs bed, as you can see it’s a […]

Beating the heat

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

It hit 100 degrees in Denver today! It’s only supposed to be in the low 80’s. It is sooo HOT! A dog’s gotta do what she can do to beat the heat…     I like popsicles!      Alot!     {Editor’s Note: Kylie get’s only all fruit juice popsicles, with no sugar added.}

What’s new

Saturday, June 10th, 2006

Hasn’t been too much going on here lately.. it’s only early June but every day the temperature has been in the 90’s, which makes me kind of sluggish. In cold weather, I go outside and come in all energized, but when it’s hot I just come in and stretch out and crash. I did get […]

sun bathing in style

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

As it turns out, the guilt trip from last week’s doggie door debacle got me all the way to Pet’s Mart to a new outdoor bed! Check me out.. before    after    Ahh, now this is relaxing!